Meal Plans

Vancoufur is proud to offer a new service for VF2025 – Meal plans!

Its important that in all the fun of a convention that congoers take the time to eat at least 2 meals a day. It can also be hard to budget for meals when you’re busy shopping in the dealer’s den, artists alley, or after dark market, buying con souvenirs or shopping in the area. To help congoers pre-plan for meals and save a little money, we are happy to offer our first ever meal plan for attendees! Pre-pay for your meals in advance and then don’t worry about running out of the con (and losing your parking spot) to find food or running out of money to pay for it in the area!

What is the VF Meal plan?

Our meal plan consists of a group ticket that allows you to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner in our dedicated dining room.
The room will feature a buffet of options including gluten-free and vegan options.

Tickets can be purchased individually, or in groups of 3.

  • Individual Adult Breakfast – $40 CAD
  • Individual Adult Lunch – $40 CAD
  • Individual Adult Dinner – $40 CAD
  • Individual Child (12 and under) Breakfast – $25 CAD
  • Individual Child (12 and under) – $25 CAD
  • Individual Child (12 and under) – $25 CAD

$100 CAD for a pack of 3 tickets, packages include:

  • 3 breakfast tickets
  • 3 lunch tickets
  • 3 dinner tickets
  • 3 tickets – 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner

To purchase your meal plan tickets, go through the reg kiosk and add them to your registration.

Dining Hours

Each ticket is valid during certain hours where that meal is being sold

  • Breakfast is served between 9am-11am — Fri/Sat/Sun
  • Lunch is served between 1-3pm –Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun
  • Dinner is served between 7pm-9pm — Thurs/Fri/Sat/

Adult Tickets

Each Adult ticket indivudally is $40. Each 3 ticket package is $100 CAD saving you money. (average meal cost in the area for a buffet dinner is $50 CAD). Tickets for a particular meal are valid between certain times of day while that meal is being served, at which time they can be presented at the door of the dinning room.

Child tickets – for kids ages 2-12 (with KIT badge)

Each Child ticket package is $50 CAD, with each ticket in the package worth approximately $16.66. Tickets for a particular meal are valid between certain times of day while that meal is being served, at which time they can be presented at the door of the dinning room.

Children under the age of 2 do not require a ticket.


Please note:

  • Food must be consumed in the dining room and cannot be removed from the room, no doggy bags!
  • Tickets can only be honored for meal type listed on the ticket (Buffet is planned based on expected guests determined by ticket sales)
  • Tickets may be transfered to another person, they are not personalized, but a dinners require a ticket.