New System for Hotel Bookings Starts This Year!

With registration for Vancoufur 2025 being open, we’re working diligently along with our new venue to facilitate our hotel bookings within the three major hotels surrounding the convention space. These new hotels, in addition to being larger, are all a hop, skip and jump to the event space. As we prepare to release the booking information for the event, we’re also introducing a new system for booking so that we can ensure that this year goes much more smoothly. 

Last year, when we released the hotel booking link, the volume of traffic caused the booking site for the hotel crash when it became flooded with booking requests, which caused headaches for our booking partners, hotel liasons, and attendees alike. This year, Vancoufur will be introducing a Tier-system based on registration level so that we can ensure a steady flow of hotel-room requests and prevent the backend of the registration site from going down so everyone has an opportunity to get a room.

With this new system, we’re asking all of our attendees to make sure they’re fully registered for the con before the hotel block opens up for booking so you have the earliest opportunity to book a hotel room for yourself and your potential roommates. The structure of the tiered system of releases starts with Patrons, and moves down along supporter tiers to General Attendees. So if you’re not registered and paid, make sure to do it soon!

We understand that there are some legitimate concerns surrounding Vancoufur using the tier system of booking our hotels, Certain concerns such as;

  • Paying a higher tier to ensure you get a hotel room 
  • What about people with accessibility needs?
  • VIPs and people who are planning to work at the con, such as Vendors, DJs, and Staff 
  • General Room availability over all  

These concerns are all very valid, and we want to make sure that as man people can get rooms as possible, as such here’s some important information to hopefully ease some of your concerns.

  • Paying a higher tier will give you a better chance at a room. We are offering this as a perk to give back to the people who do a lot of the heavy lifting to financially support the convention, keep us afloat, and keep prices for regular reg as reasonable as possible. Vancouver is a very expensive city, and our expences are only growing. If we can’t pay for things, we can’t have a convention, so these attendees are very important.
  • Accessibility, DJs, Vendors, and Staff will be handled in their own block booking times outside of Attendee release. If you have an accessbility need, please send an email to [email protected] before Oct 1st, or we may not be able to assit.
  • Buccaneer rooms are guarunteed and are their own thing and not included in the tiered booking, they are delt with separately.
  • This year the hotel itself is one of our biggest venues yet, and while rooms are limited we’re going to have a much larger amount than past years of Vancoufur. We will try to make sure as many attendees as possible get rooms. That being said, they are a limited resource, and we may sell out. However, if we can pack the block, we will attempt to negotiate more rooms.
  • All three interconnected hotels within the same plaza, so when stepping outside of the doors it will be a very short walk to get into the convention space. 
  • While our con is still steadily growing, we want to make sure that the resources we use to help the con run aren’t strained as we get used to the new capacity, especially in regards to technical issues that cause the site to have hang-ups, overbooking, and having unoccupied holdings within the hotel block. We need to keep our hotel partners happy, so they are willing to continue doing business with us.
  • If you’re concerned about getting an early hotel room, and can’t afford a patron/sponsor/supporter membership, there are other ways to give back to the convention, such as volunteering, wherein if you volunteer at least 16-hours to the convention, you’re given priority for the hotel the following year of the con
  • If you want more indepth information regarding this change please visit our FAQ page here:

With this new system coming into effect we appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we’re working around the clock to make sure that Vancoufur is a fun and worthwhile experience for all its attendees. We know not everyone is going to be happy with this, and we also know we can’t make everyone happy, but we had to make a change. We will be trying this for this year and then we will see how things go and make adjustments as nessesary.

We appreciate that every single one of you takes time out of your year to come to our convention and enjoy everything the furry fandom has to offer. We’ve got a lot of big plans this year that we hope that you will enjoy and hopefully make memories that will last for a lifetime. This convention couldn’t happen if it weren’t for the enthusiastic, wild and fuzzy friends that show up to enjoy it. 

Let’s all get ready to set sail for Tails and Treasure together!